Rubber Mulch is typically packaged in regular garden store plastic bags or very large bulk bags, called super sacks.
The regular bags can come in different sizes and are similar to the plastic bags in which soil or wood mulch is packaged at your garden center or big box store. The regular rubber mulch bags are typically either approximately 20 lbs. or 40 lbs. Small bags are great for residential applications where the work will be done manually either as a DIY project or through a landscaper/contractor. When bulk ordering rubber mulch the small bags provide the convenience of being able to move the mulch to multiple locations in your yard in separate bags. This makes the job easier and more tidy. The bags are also great for when you have project excess and need to store the remainder.
Super sacks are large bags that contain about 2,000 lbs. of rubber mulch which is equivalent to about 50 of the 40 lb regular plastic bags mentioned above. Super sacks are typically used on for large scale applications like a large commercial playground. The super sack is easier to securely store until the job is ready because there are no smaller bags to secure from theft. When the job is ready the super sack can be lifted with forks and then the bag can be cut open for the contents to come out in bulk.